Here it is in late January 2015. And God has finally broken through the funk that I’ve
been in. It’s not that everything in my life is just the way I want it. In fact, all of the things that discouraged me are still there. Nothing has really changed. Nothing except my heart and outlook. I know that I’ll always have to deal with these funky times while I live in a fallen world. But I am learning to take it a step at a time. To embrace the season that I am in and to find God there.
I have a picture of a winter’s scene in my kitchen. It is dusk in that picture and there is a quiet little stream running down the middle with banks piled high with snow. It is calm and peaceful and beautiful. And to this picture I attached a phrase from the movie “God’s Not Dead”:
“God is good . . . all the time
And all the time . . . God is good!”
I love the way this phrase goes with the picture. I love it that even in the cold, dark, lonely, “winter nights” of the soul, God is still good. Isn’t this when we need to be reminded of that most?